Page 92 - 2019-2020 Interlink Supply Catalog
P. 92
90 Leather Cleaning
Overview Protected Leather Cleaning
A) Types of Leather 1. Approximately 80% of all leather furniture and almost all automobiles
will be protected leather. Protected leather has a pigment coat
PROTECTED applied over the surface and is sealed by a finish of polyurethane
Also known as Finished, Semi Aniline, Everyday, Pigmented and Painted, resins. In fact, as long as the finish is intact, you are cleaning the
these Leathers combine the best aspects of a natural product and finish and not the leather itself.
utilize tannery technology to create a product that is more uniform in
appearance and color. 2. Identify the leather as protected. A fingernail will not scratch the
leather to a lighter color. Water does not darken protected leather
ANILINE because it does not soak into it. Color is consistent from panel to
Also known as Natural, Pure, Naked and Unprotected, these are leathers panel.
that are colored with transparent dyestuff. This means you can see
the actual surface grain markings. These leathers have very little or no 3. Pretest by cleaning a side of the cushion which does not show. Once
protective treatments applied to them. you are assured it is a protected leather, then proceed.
NUBUCK 4. Spray Hydro-Force Leather Cleaner onto microfiber cloth. Apply to
leather panel and work microfiber cloth in a circular motion. Wipe up
Also known as Chaps, Distressed, Bomber and Suede, Nubuck is an foam with terry cloth towel. Repeat as necessary. Position air mover to
Aniline leather that has been brushed, sanded or scratched to create a dry leather that has been cleaned.
velvet or pile feel or look to the grain side of leather. Suede is the flesh
side of the hide and is of lower quality.
5. Once leather is uniformly clean and dry to the touch, apply Hydro-
Force Leather Protector with a soft cloth. Spread evenly across the
B) How to identify leather on location leather and let dry naturally.
1. Evaluate the leather visually. Protected leathers will have a consistent
coloration due to pigmentation, while Aniline and Nubuck will have a Aniline Leather Cleaning
varied hue. Any leather with a nap will be Nubuck or suede. 1. An Aniline leather will have a varied hue, will be soft, will scratch
readily with a fingernail, will darken when Hydro-Force Leather
2. Feel the leather. The softer the leather, the more likely it is Aniline or Cleaner is applied, and will dry clear after Hydro-Force Leather
Nubuck. The stiffer the leather, the more likely it is Protected. Protector has been applied and dried. Stains will often not be totally
removed, and the lighter the color, the more they will show. Be sure
3. Go to an inconspicuous place and scratch the leather with your to look for fading as that happens easily. Evaluate the dryness of the
fingernail. Aniline and Nubuck will scratch readily and the scratch will leather, as an extra step is often needed to restore the feel of the
be a lighter color. Protected leather has a finish made of polyurethane leather after cleaning.
resins. The only way this leather will go lighter is by scraping off the
finish and the pigments. 2. Clean an inconspicuous panel of leather, usually the side of the
cushion. Spray Hydro-Force Leather Cleaner onto a microfiber cloth.
4. In an inconspicuous place, rub Hydro-Force Leather Cleaner into Rub onto the panel of leather in a circular motion. Look at your cloth
the leather. Aniline and Nubuck leather will darken as the cleaner is to see if the color of the leather came off on the cloth. If no color is
absorbed into the leather. The cleaner will not absorb into Protected seen, then proceed with the cleaning (if transfer of color occurs, then
leather. more advanced training and procedures may be required). Wipe off
dirt with a terry cloth towel and dry the panel with a hair dryer.
5. This final test will determine the difference between Aniline and
Nubuck. In an inconspicuous place, rub Hydro-Force Leather Protector 3. Continue cleaning from panel to the panel, drying each panel as you
on the leather and dry with a hair dryer. Aniline leather will dry clear go with a hair dryer or air mover. After entire sofa is cleaned, inspect
with no difference in texture. Nubuck leather will dry darker with a for areas that may need further attention, and re-treat.
slight change in texture. Hydro-Force Leather Protector mats down the
nap of Nubuck causing the area to be darker. 4. For dry leather found in your pre-inspection, apply Hydro-Force
Leather Revitalizer after leather is cleaned. Hydro-Force Leather
Revitalizer will revitalize the feel and touch of the leather by returning
the leather moisture back into the leather that has been lost over
5. Apply Hydro-Force Leather Protector after furniture is cleaned and
revitalized. Dry each panel with a hair dryer as you protect it.