Page 30 - 2019-2020 Interlink Supply Catalog
P. 30

28        Encapsulation and Bonnet Cleaning

                                             G ROOM Solutions
                                             Peroxicap™ Encapsulation
          Encapuclean Bonnet/Brush                                               Brush Pro Dry Compound
          Encapsulating Cleaner              Cleaner and Carpet Prespray         Deep cleaning dry compound imbedded
                                             Peroxicap is a 5 in 1 multi-purpose hydro-  with cleaning agents that lift and sepa-
          Encapuclean is a state-of-the-art encap-  gen peroxide activated and encapsulating
          sulation cleaner that suspends and re-  polymer-fortified carpet cleaning agent. It   rate soil from fibers then absorbs into the
          leases soils from carpet during cleaning   combines a synergistic hydrogen peroxide   compound for easy  removal. Dry and
          and then leaves a special encapsulating   detergent blend with a special encapsulating   ready for use immediately.
          polymer behind. This polymer attaches   polymer. The special peroxide blend oxygen-  RTU pH: N/A  Dilution Ratios: RTU
          to carpet soils and fibers and then dries   ates and activates the cleaning power of the   20 lb. pail  CC604B
          to a very hard polymer (like a very thin   polymers and surfactants, and also helps
          piece of glass). When vacuumed, the dry   effectively remove many spills and spots   Brush Pro Carpet Prespray
          brittle polymer fractures away, taking the   (coffee, wine, blood, urine caused discolor-  Use as a spotter and prespray when
          attached soils with it and leaving a clean   ation, and more) during the cleaning process.   using Brush Pro Dry Compound, or as a
          non-sticky fiber behind.                                               stand alone encapsulate cleaner with the

          RTU pH: 7.5       gallon  CC06GL    RTU pH: 5.5-6.5  Dilution Ratio: 1:12  Brush Pro machine.
          Dilution Ratio:                                                        RTU pH: N/A  Dilution Ratios: 10 oz./gal.
          Pump or Electric
          Sprayer: 1:16 (8                                     gallon  CC503GL                     gallon  CC602GL
                                   GREEN BALANCE  GREEN BALANCE
           $mart Buy   Save up to 10, 20, 30%.
                                                                                                Envirex Brush
                                             Brush N’ Vac Low Moisture                          and Bonnet
                                             Encapsulation Cleaner
         Encapuclean DS with Maxim
                                             Brush N’ Vac absorbs and cleans the                Pro’s Choice Soil Crys-
         Encapuclean DS with Maxim offers all the   worst soil. The soil is absorbed into a     tallization products are
         same benefits of regular Encapuclean but   bonnet or suspended for later vacuuming     the cutting edge of low
         adds stain resistance and additional dry   when used with a brush method. Remain-      moisture technology for
         soil protection! Regular use will enhance   ing residue retards resoiling. This makes   professional clean-
         and maintain high levels of stain and soil   vacuuming more effective and is the       ers. Brush & Bonnet is
         resistance on commercial nylon carpet.  foundation for an excellent maintenance        designed to be used
                                             system for commercial carpet. Hot water            for (spray and brush)
         RTU pH: 7.5                         extraction is recommended on a semi-               and (bonnet cleaning)
         Dilution Ratio: Pump or Electric Sprayer: 1:32 (4 oz./  annual or annual basis.        procedures.
                            gallon  CC12GL    RTU pH: 7.5  Dilution Ratio: 1:16
                                                                                                  gallon  1631-3342
                                                                                  RTU pH: 7.5
                                                                gallon  CC33GL
           $mart Buy   Save up to 10, 20, 30%.    TM                              Dilution Ratios: Heavy Soil - 1 cup/gal
                                                     GREEN BALANCE
                                                                                  Light to Medium Soil - 4oz./gal
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