Page 113 - 2019-2020 Interlink Supply Catalog
P. 113

Smoke & Soot Cleaning                              111

                            Benefect  Impact™ Cleaner                              Wide Range Cleaner
                            Now you can complete your line of Bo-                  Wide Range Cleaner is a heavy-duty
                            tanical Disinfection & Cleaning Prod-                  alkaline cleaner for heavy, greasy soils
                            ucts with our NEW Benefect® Cleaner                    on a wide range of hard surfaces.
                            Concentrates! Benefect®'s Impact™                      Use as a general-purpose cleaner for
                            Cleaner is a high-performance Car-                     everything from light routine clean-
                            pet Cleaner Concentrate based on                       ing to the heaviest fire restoration and
                            optimized dynamic chemistry that                       industrial cleanup.
                            outperforms other industry cleaners
                            without using hazardous synthetic                                        gallon CR49GL
                            chemicals. Formulated for carpets and   RTU pH= 12.0 - 12.4
                            fabrics and other porous and semi-                                  5 gallon pail CS49PL    CHEMICALS
                            porous materials and surfaces. It can
                            be used as a Carpet Prespray, In-Tank
                            Extraction Units, Bonnet Cleaning &                    Benefect  Atomic Degreaser
                            for Upholstery Cleaning.
                                                                                   Atomic Degreaser is a next generation
                                              gallon CS10GL                        heavy duty cleaner and degreaser that
                                                                                   utilizes an optimized dynamic chem-
                                                                                   istry to deliver superior penetration
                           Multi-Purpose Cleaner                                   of soils, rapid wetting and dispersion
                                                                                   of particulates with little or no agita-
                           For a complete green cleaning system                    tion—making it ideal for the heaviest
                           use Benefect's line of Botanical Disin-                 grease, smoke damaged contents and
                           fection & Cleaning Products.                            surfaces. Made from botanical ingredi-
                           Benefect's Multi-Purpose Cleaner                        ents, it is safe to use around children,
                           (MPC) is a revolutionary Cleaner Con-                   pets and the chemically sensitive.
                           centrate that achieves the professional                 Atomic contains no solvents, VOCs,
                           results you need without using hazard-                  petrochemicals, dyes, fragrances,
                           ous synthetic chemicals. Formulated   RTU pH: 10.9-11   Dilution Ra-  phosphates, alkyl/nonyl phenols or
                           for general daily cleaning and large   tios: RTU  Contents and Light   other hazardous ingredients and will
                                                               Soot: 2-4 oz./Gal.   Heavy &
                           dilution range from heavy to light-duty   Slimy Soot or Grease: 16 oz./  not contribute to indoor air pollution.
                           tasks.                              Gallon. (Increase depending
                                                               upon severity)                        gallon CD09GL
                                             gallon CC78GL
                                                                                                       pail CD09PL
                                                                                                     drum CD09DR

                            Vaportek ECOZ Odor
                            Neutralizer Concentrate
                                                                                       X-cide for Smoke CT
                            ECOZ is designed to enhance any cleaning activ-
                            ity by providing an extra measure of odor control.         X-Cide for Smoke CT is designed
                            Natural odor controllers neutralize unpleasant             to neutralize difficult Cannabis
                            malodors immediately upon contact and leave a              and Tobacco Odors. It also does
                            pleasant lingering aroma in the air. By simply di-         an excellent job of neutralizing
                            luting ECOZ in mop water or high pressure/trigger          cooking odors.
                            sprayers, odor control will be greatly improved.
                            For typical treatment, dilute one ounce of ECOZ                          pint  1650-1316
                            with each gallon of water. No rinsing necessary.
                            Can be used for laundry, contents and structures.

         RTU pH: TBA                          SOS, gallon  CD98GL
         Dilution Ratios: 1 oz./gl.
                                             Linen, gallon  CD99GL
                                                                                          Call for large quantity
                                    Classic Neutral, gallon  CD100GL                      discount pricing.
                                           Lemon, gallon  16320677
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